AIPo – PNRR Investments

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AIPo is the Implementing Body for four Investments of the PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan, financed by Next Generation EU, within the "Green Revolution and ecological transition" Mission.

The four investments are:
– Renaturisation of the Po area (Measure M2C4.3 – I. 3.3)
– Flood risk management and hydrogeological risk reduction (measure M2C4 – I. 2.1b)
– Infrastructure for primary water security and water supply (measure M2C4 – I. 4.1)
– Increasing and reinforcement of cycling mobility (Measure M2C2 – I. 4.1)


The general documentation regarding PNRR projects, including the mission “Green Revolution and ecological transition”, is available on the national web portal called “Italy Tomorrow – National Recovery and Resilience Plan”: https/// content/sogei-ng/it/it/il-piano/Missioni-pnrr/Green revolution-transition-Ecological.html

The measures adopted by the Steering Committee of AIPO are available in the “Transparency” section of the institutional website of the Agency available at the address, direct link:

The works entrusted by public tender and consequently contracted out by AIPO are published on the website (by scrolling the mouse over Services > Online noticeboard and then clicking on the desired item)

Regarding the “Renaturisation of the Po area” investment, you can also visit the website of the river Po basin District Authority (ADbPo), at:

  • 4 Regions

  • 106 Municipalities

  • 12 Provinces